For only 600 SEK/year we will give you the best support ever in Swedish hiking! Because we want you to succeed. We will be by your side every step with advice on Trail Angels, food, gas and whatever you might need. By choosing a non-profit, member driven organization instead of a private company you also support a good cause. Facebook!
Soon Christmas is here! Thinking about a gift for that special person in your life? Why not give something from our Trail Shop? That way you’ll not only bring joy but also support our cause! Here’s the link to our shop!
We are proud to announce that Ruth Aaqqii arrived at approx. 12:15 pm on Sunday November 14th in Smygehuk. She started at 9:30 pm July 21st at Treriksröset. According to her notes she finished on day 117 and walked a total of 2.636 km. Ruth is the second official women to hike The Via Suecia as a thru-hike. Congratulations Ruth! Well done!
The 50/50 Challenge is for you who would like to divide your Swedish Hike into two halves in 3 years. We have made some minor changes to it, basically mowing your mid-starting point to Sälen. This is especially good because Sälen has many facilities and it’s also easier to reach. You start your SOBO/NOBO where the Southern Kungsleden starts. Just across the road is where the buss stops, and there are several places to sleep if you need to. In the Mountain Lodge Högfällshotellet there is shower, restaurant, and an ICA shop if you want to re- or supply. From the start there is a short way to the first cabin, Östfjällsstugan, if you NOBO. We are also introducing our winterlogo! Happy trails!
We are trying to find a better way between Vålådalen and Kallsedet. So we thought a short funicular passing the water of Indalsälven at Duved would do the trick. We had a look and made a small film about it:
Please support us. We are a non-profit NGO organisation in need of memberships and donations. Thank you!
Finally there! After 113 days on the trail Kim Norberg reached Smygehuk this morning. She’s thereby first hiker to have hiked the full length of Via Suecia, a distance of approximately 2600 kilometer.
The last couple of weeks have been hard. Kim Norberg’s feet have been hurting, it’s dark, wet and cold. No other hikers are out on the trail.
It’s been a learning experience, she says.
– I have learned not to expect too much. In the beginning, if something didn’t go according to my plans, I went ballistic. Now I don’t make strict plans anymore and I expect things not to go the way I planned.
– Another learning is that you can cope with much more than you think.
She started her journey July 10th from Treriksröset together with her boyfriend Lukas Mayers. He hiked along with her halfway to Grövelsjön.
Since then Kim Norberg has been alone on the trail, with “guests” coming and going.
– Two weeks ago Lukas and my Mum hiked with me for a day. That really cheered me up!
– The last couple of days Peter Bergström (a fellow thru hiker) made me company.
The best experience according to Kim Norberg has been all the people she has met along the trail. Especially other long–distance hikers.
In the mountains, but especially during the end of the hike she has spent a lot of time alone
– It’s also an experience, to learn to cope with being alone in the nature, she says
When Via Suecia reach Kim Norberg she’s taking a last break five kilometers from Smygehuk. She just had a video call with Lukas, who is at home in Sala.
– I’m so happy to stop walking! I will just breathe and relax when this is done
– People don’t believe me when I say that I actually aren’t a person who like to be outdoors and train. Still I managed this.
We are happy to announce that the Trail Runner project is finished. The main purpose was to evaluate the need for help and care along the Kungsleden between Hemavan and Abisko. So far, our Trail Runner has helped a ton of peeps with info regarding boats, busses, weather, distances, food & water, aided broken fingers, damaged legs and knees and a lot more. The Board will decide wether to continue this program next year. We’ll be back with more info in August.
I morgon startar Kim Norberg och hennes sambo Lukas Mayers sin vandring längs Gröna bandet. Om fötterna håller och lusten finns kvar tänker de fortsätta hela Via Suecia.
– Eftersom vi aldrig gått längre än två veckor så är det svårt att veta om vi ens klarar Gröna bandet, säger Kim Norberg.
Kim Norberg vid vandringens första mål: dörren till Grövelsjöns fjällstation.
Hon ser fram mot äventyr, vacker natur – och ”hiker’s hunger”:
”Det blir spännande att kunna äta hur mycket jag vill, men ändå gå ner i vikt,” säger Kim Norberg och skrattar.
Idén att gå Gröna bandet föddes i samband med en tvåveckors fjällvandring förra hösten.
”I våras såg jag ett inlägg om Via Suecia. Då sa jag lite skämtsamt till Lukas: ’Det vore väl häftigt att gå ända ner till Smygehuk?’”
Om det blir verklighet får framtiden utvisa. Lukas Mayers, 23, måste hem och jobba efter Grövelsjön, men Kim Norberg, 25, är inställd på att gå så långt hon orkar efter det.
Kim Norberg började vandra 2016. Innan dess hade hon orienterat och klättrat. Tillsammans med Lukas Mayers – som växt upp med vandring och paddling i en Waldorfskola – har hon utvecklat utrustning och turer.
Kim och Lukas tillagar middag en kylig höstkväll i fjällen 2020
När de beger sig ut på Gröna bandet från Treriksröset ligger basvikten på cirka nio kilo.
”När jag började vandra vägde min packning tio kilo mer än vad den gör nu. Men jag är fortfarande inte i närheten av att ha någon ultralätt packning,” säger Kim Norberg.
Lukas och Kims packning inför Gröna Bandet (och eventuellt Via Suecia för Kim) .
”Jag tror att den här vandringen kommer att lära mig otroligt mycket, och det ser jag fram mot!”
Namn: Kim Norberg
Bor: i Sala med sambon Lukas Mayers
Vandringar jag minns: Vandringen i höstas mellan Nikkaluokta-Kvikkjokk, fantastiska höstfärger och vyer, och otroligt trevligt sällskap. Samt vandringen augusti 2018 mellan Kebnekaise-Abisko där jag vandrade en vecka på egen hand i fjällen – en intressant upplevelse att bara ha sitt egna sällskap.
Vandringar jag vill göra: Nordkalottleden, Norge på langs samt i Sydamerika på hög höjd.
När jag inte vandrar: Hittar på vardagsäventyr med Lukas, geocachar, klättrar ibland, drömmer och planerar nya äventyr.
Favoritpryl: Oj, svårt! Jag kommer nog säga min GPS-klocka – den har i princip allt. Karta, kompass, tider för solupp/nedgång, klocka…
Namn: Lukas Mayers
Bor: med Kim Norberg
Vandringar jag minns: Sylarna 2020, när vi gick tre dagar i stormvindar och spöregn.
Vandringar jag vill göra: Någonstans i Alperna och i Sydamerika.
När jag inte vandrar: Cyklar mountainbike, bygger kanot, klättrar ibland och Kim hittar på äventyrliga saker med mig.
Last weekend of July, Åre Torg. Meet us and talk Via Suecia – The Swedish Trail, Kungsleden Hiking Society and a lot more! We made a snazzy movie (we think). See y’all!
We are happy to introduce Ms Camilla Svenäng as our next Trail Angel. Camilla resides in Oskarström, and her property is very close to the trail Hallandsleden which is a part of Via Suecia. Camilla is also an associate to our organization as well as a member. Expect water, charging your stuff, Wi-Fi and cool conversations. You can pitch your tent on the premises. If Camilla is not home when you arrive there will be a phone number to reach her.
Camilla with German hiker Constantin on his Via Suecia hike in 2021.