Telephone card in Sweden?

If you are visiting Sweden from abroad, having a good telephone connection is essential while on trail. The best cover, even in the *mountains, is by far Telia. You can buy a prepaid “cash card” and refill it if and when you need. This means you’ll also get a new number.

If you need any help, whatsover, don’t hesitate to get in touch: info (at)

*Nota bene: there might be places far up in the North where the reception will be bad or even non-existing. Being proactive with your phone can help.

Merry Xmas & A Happy New Year!

Dear fellow hikers! I hope you had a wonderful 2023 full of new experiences and friendships.

As for 2024, there will be some minor changes due to new landowners not in favour of having a trail on their land and also some huts in the mountains that will be closed or with limited access (STF).

With that said, enjoy the holidays and see you in 2024!

Via Suecia will be free of charge

Thanks to an external sponsor, there will be no charge for hiking the Via Suecia from January 1st 2023. At the same time, the Trail Pass and stamps will be scrapped. The support function will be cancelled at the same time in favour of support to Ukraina.
Happy trails!

Conzi finished Via Suecia

Constantin Hauzeneder hiked the trail last year, but due to the pandemic was forced to stop in Abisko. This year he came back to finish it. He reached Treriksröset in good order and kept on hiking to Nordkap which he reached on the 10th of September. Congrats!

Conzi at Treriksröset 2022

Great season!

At last, the authorities gave a green light to start socializing again after the pandemic was declared over (sort of). So many of us had waited for this! There have been even more hikers trying on the longest trail in Sweden than before, both paying thru-hikers and section hikers and a few hiking for themselves.

The Trail was revisited by the founder at the beginning of the year, and there will be some minor changes later. A film shoving the complete trail is under construction and is planned to be released in the spring of 2023 on the YouTube channel. Happy trails!


When you need to resupply in Grövelsjön, there is this family run store/shop called Fjällbua. It’s run by Pelle och Haydie Andersson. We just got news that they store camping gas if you need to buy that.

Pelle and Haydie runs the Fjällbua in Grövelsjön.

New Year! 2022 is starting great…

There are many showing interest in hiking Via Suecia, both as a thru-hike and in sections. Thats awesome! We are thrilled to be your best support ever on your journey.

The first beta-test of our coming app is done. We’ll look into the feedback and keep on making it even better. Launch date could be late March/early May.

The first out hiking Via Suecia is starting January 14th. Posting will be on Facebook.

Remember – we are a non-profit member driven organisation. For hikers by hikers.

See you all on the trail!