Starting a non-profit organization (NPO) takes time. You don’t get a company registration number, for starters. So we applied. And now we’ve got it: 802535-1399. Next step is to get a bank account. Have patience. We’ll get that, too.
From May 25 2018, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will apply in Sweden and the rest of the EU – and therefore we want to clarify how we handle your personal data when you sign up for our newsletter. The information we have about you is not available to third parties and will not be shared or sold. The information is only for distribution of news from us.
The members of the Board have given their consent to the handling of their personal data on this website according to GDPR.
Say “Hello” to the Board
We have got a little help with our logo from Anso Form&Produktion to get it more snazzy. Thanks!

We are currently looking into a solution around Torneträsk to enable the trail to go continuously through Sweden. Will be back on that.
We are waiting…
FYI: we have applied for a company registration number with the Swedish Tax Agency. Until we get that, we cannot accept any payments. So stay cool. Everything will be fine.
Terminus – The Hands-On Monument
The Swedish Trail™ is being recognized more and more in the hiking community. That’s great! We just got some help from our friends at the Pacific Crest Trail Association, USA, regarding our Terminus (the monuments at the start and/or finishing points).
Every thru-hiker knows the feeling when you start or finish your hike by placing your hands on the monument.
Did you know they are made from wood?

Trail Angel List
To help our hikers on their way, we have created a Trail Angel List page on Facebook. This is where Trail Angels and hikers can meet.
The list is a place for those of us who aren’t on the trail to offer our help and support to those on the trail and a place for hikers to connect with angels.
Can you offer a ride into town?
Are you keeping a water drop stocked?
Do you have a shower a hiker could use?
What kind of trail magic can you supply?
Hikers, what can we help you with?
Post it here!
Digital Trail
Hi y’all!
We are proud to present the first stages of the digital map for The Swedish Trail.
Hike on!
Complete Trail
Hi y’all!
Here is the complete trail description (no maps) with shops included from Smygehuk to Abisko/Treriksröset for you to download.
It’s a PDF, and if you print you can print both sides on one paper. Hike on!